Healthy Starts with Millets: Ideal for Pregnancy and Beyond

Healthy Starts with Millets: Ideal for Pregnancy and Beyond

Healthy Starts with Millets: Ideal for Pregnancy and Beyond


Pregnancy represents a physiological phase characterized by heightened nutritional demands crucial for fetal growth and development. During this period, natural changes in weight, plasma volume, blood volume, and hormonal activity occur. Iron-deficiency anemia poses a significant concern due to inadequate intake, reduced absorption, depleted reserves, and heightened susceptibility to infections. Similarly, nursing mothers face challenges related to iron deficiency, compounded by ongoing iron loss through post-delivery menstruation. Therefore, ensuring comprehensive nutrition is imperative, emphasizing adequate intake of calories, proteins, and particularly iron, to support the well-being of both pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The study aimed to evaluate the nutritional effects of various millet-based foods, such as millet health mixes, millet energy bars, finger millet cutlets, and finger millet biscuits, on the weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and hemoglobin levels of pregnant women and nursing mothers both before and after the intervention. Given the observed positive nutritional impact on pregnant women consuming these millet-based foods, it is recommended to integrate these products into the SNP Program for ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme).

These millet-based foods play a crucial role in enhancing nutritional status, leading to improvements in weight and hemoglobin levels. They are calorie-rich formulations that provide essential quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which contribute positively to anthropometric indicators.

Research has demonstrated the beneficial impact of millet-based food products on children, teenagers, and anemic patients, resulting in improvements in weight, BMI, and hemoglobin levels among beneficiaries. Millets are renowned for their superior nutritional properties, suggesting significant potential for optimizing them in processed products. These nutrient-dense millet-based formulations offer promise in enhancing nutritional outcomes and should be integrated into nutrition programs across various states in India. They can be scaled up for use in diverse forms such as baby foods, snack foods, powders, and porridges. Therefore, this study strongly advocates for the inclusion of millet-based foods in nutrition programs implemented through Anganwadi Centers (AWCs).


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