Did you know millets can provide calcium for children? Find out which millet is most beneficial for increasing calcium levels

Did you know millets can provide calcium for children? Find out which millet is most beneficial for increasing calcium levels

Did you know millets can provide calcium for children? Find out which millet is most beneficial for increasing calcium levels


Ragi (finger millet) is ideal for children as it provides significant calcium

Ragi contains numerous amino acids, including tryptophan, which can increase the body's serotonin levels—a precursor to the hormone melatonin, known for its role in regulating sleep.

Because of its adaptability, ragi can be simply combined with milk or cooked into a delicious porridge. Many ragi recipes can be prepared easily and serves tasty and healthy baby food. All you need to create porridge is ragi, salt, water, and optionally, milk.

Ragi contains over twice as much calcium as chickpeas and nearly three times as much as cow's milk per 100 grams. Children, who require substantial calcium daily—ranging from 700 mg for newborns to 1,300 mg for teenagers—can benefit from incorporating a ragi-based evening snack into their diet to meet these needs. This can help prevent issues such as osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, complementing a healthy overall diet.

Ragi's natural iron content helps prevent children's anemia, while the high vitamin C in sprouted ragi enhances iron absorption, making it effective in preventing infant malnutrition


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